Friday, June 24, 2011

First Week

Everyone's been very busy this week with RFIDsec, but Andres gave me enough information to start collecting information and playing with code.

I spent the first two days researching NFC itself and the platform I'll be working on. ECMA 340, 352, 356, and 362 will probably be the most useful.

On Thursday I completed a small application that notifies the user when an NFC tag is detected and displays all the tag's available protocols. I extended that today to parse NDEF messages.

All of the tags I tested didn't readily give up NDEF messages on discovery, so the next step is to find out how to communicate with them. Since I don't even know the protocol the tags expect, I'll have to record the traffic between a proprietary reader and the tags. Luckily, a reader is available, but a way to record the traffic is not.

Overall, this week's been a blast. Now it's time for the hard part.

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